Find a vet near me
Get the best veterinary care for your pet with Pawp’s vet finder.
How Vet Finder works

Search vets near you.
Browse vets in your area based on your pet’s needs, from puppy vaccinations to neuter/spay services.

Choose a vet.
Decide which vet clinic you want to book, whether you need an in-person visit or online vet consult.

Keep your pet healthy.
Caring for your pet is ongoing. Pet parent like a pro with unlimited, on-demand access with online vet Pawp.
Why it’s important to find a vet
Like humans, pets should have someone who is responsible for their medical care. Veterinarians provide services that improve your pet’s health, happiness, and longevity. Having a go-to vet can not only help prevent illness for your pet in the future, but can also assist pet parents in becoming more responsible and knowledgeable caretakers.
How to choose the right vet for your pet
Consider your pet’s unique needs
The right vet for you and your pet will depend on your pet’s health needs. For example, a brand new puppy will need different care than an elderly cat. When choosing a vet, make sure that they meet your pet’s health, behavior, and lifestyle requirements.
Choose a location that’s easy for you to access
Another important factor when choosing a vet? Location. Find a vet near you so you can conveniently bring your pet in without worrying about hitting traffic or making them wait long for necessary care.
Find something that’s aligned with your budget
It’s also important to consider the cost of veterinary services offered at the clinic so you can ensure your pet’s care falls within your budget. Prices vary by region and clinic, so confirm the cost of services with your vet clinic from the start.

I was paired with an amazing veterinarian!
He put me at ease almost immediately. I left the video chat feeling comfortable and confident my dog was going to be back to normal. I’ll be recommending it to all my friends and family.
Kimberly L.

Her advice was 100% on point. I highly recommend!
My dog was sick and I needed some help, fast. I found Pawp and it’s the best $24 I ever spent! I was worried it might be a bot but I clearly was chatting with a very helpful animal heathcare professional.
Darlene W.

We are forever grateful.
Pawp saved my senior girl’s life! In less than 10mins, our emergency protection was activated. We rushed her to the ER and she stayed in the ICU. Pawp paid $3k which is a life saver! Best thing we ever did.
Dorcas K.

The vet talked me through every symptom.
I can’t afford to just throw money at a vet for them to tell me my dog is fine. That’s why I joined Pawp. The vet explained a visit could wait. It was so relieving to have a site that helped calm my nerves.
Anastasia D.

I was paired with an amazing veterinarian!
He put me at ease almost immediately. I left the video chat feeling comfortable and confident my dog was going to be back to normal. I’ll be recommending it to all my friends and family.
Kimberly L.

Her advice was 100% on point. I highly recommend!
My dog was sick and I needed some help, fast. I found Pawp and it’s the best $24 I ever spent! I was worried it might be a bot but I clearly was chatting with a very helpful animal heathcare professional.
Darlene W.

We are forever grateful.
Pawp saved my senior girl’s life! In less than 10mins, our emergency protection was activated. We rushed her to the ER and she stayed in the ICU. Pawp paid $3k which is a life saver! Best thing we ever did.
Dorcas K.

The vet talked me through every symptom.
I can’t afford to just throw money at a vet for them to tell me my dog is fine. That’s why I joined Pawp. The vet explained a visit could wait. It was so relieving to have a site that helped calm my nerves.
Anastasia D.