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Your Dog's Weekly Horoscope 2020: January 27-February 2

What's your dog horoscope in 2020. This weekly dog horoscope from January to February will tell you what's in the stars for your dog according to their zodiac sign.

Roya Backlund

Updated November 11, 2022 • Published January 27, 2020

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Your Dog's Weekly Horoscope 2020: January 27-February 2

Dogs may be wildly intelligent animals who can read human emotions and learn all sorts of neat tricks, but let’s get one thing straight: They’re total goofballs. Even on their most dignified days, dogs still bark in their sleep, bump into walls, and paw through garbage. This week, dreamy and distracted Neptune is entering the scene, leaving your dog more spaced out than ever. Even though your dog might be acting a bit more silly and confused than usual, Neptune is also incredibly romantic and affectionate. Expect a few extra cuddles and licks from your furry friend this week, because your dog is seeing you through rose-colored glasses. What’s not to love about that?

Whether you’re an expert on the zodiac or simply a fan of a good astrology meme, you’ll love what the stars have to say about your dog. The cosmos are affecting your dog’s life just as much as they are yours. Check out last week’s dog horoscope if you don’t believe me! But for the week of January 27 to February 2, there’s so much magic and creativity that awaits you and your pup:

Aries Dog (March 21 - April 19)

What do you dream about, Aries? Is it the excited feeling you get when your owner gets home from a long day at work? Is it the savory taste of your favorite brand of bacon treats? Or is it something far more nightmarish, like not being able to find your favorite ball or watching the cat laugh at your weakness? Your dreams are bound to be incredibly vivid this week, so try not to freak out if they get a little too real. If you channel some paw-sitive vibes while you’re awake, your dreams will be just as joyful. Never forget for one second that you’re an Aries, which means you’re one brave pup! Walking around with your tail between your legs goes against your true nature.

Check out last week's Aries dog horoscope.

Taurus Dog (April 20 - May 20)

This week, it’s not about you. It’s about your pack, Taurus! You’re learning that you can’t be selfish if you want to be on good terms with the rest of your friends. I know you’re very possessive of your toys and even more aggressive when it comes to food, but generosity will get you far! Why not put your instincts to beg at the table to rest and let your human eat their meal in peace? Why not let the cat play with your ball without getting in its way? Being a part of a pack means putting the needs of others before yourself, so practice some canine kindness and watch how much it improves your relationships.

Check out last week's Taurus dog horoscope.

Gemini Dog (May 21 - June 20)

As long as you believe in yourself, anything is possible, Gemini. I know that sounds clichéd, but hear me out. This week, you have the power to manifest your dreams into reality. Have you always wanted to become an internet famous dog? Have you always dreamed of winning first place in a dog show? If you can envision it, then you can make it happen. Live your life as though you’re already living your dreams and watch the magic unfold. Humans might talk about the “law of attraction” but you’ve got the “paw of attraction” and that’s 10 times more legit. Your thoughts have power and you are a super-dog!

Check out last week's Gemini dog horoscope.

Cancer Dog (June 21 - July 22)

Aren’t you tired of your daily routine, Cancer? I know you love stability, but it’s time to leap out of your comfort zone and stretch those legs! There’s a whole world out there and it’s so much bigger than that bone you’ve been chewing on and that spot on your butt you can’t seem to stop itching. Take a step back from your everyday concerns and think about how you can spice things up. Instead of a walk through the park, why not go on a walk by the beach? Instead of chasing around the cat all day long, why not strike up a meaningful conversation with your feline counterpart? Stay open to all paws-sibilities, Cancer!

Check out last week's Cancer dog horoscope.

What's your dog's sign (1)

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Leo Dog (July 23 - August 22)

It’s ruff being the center of attention, Leo. After all, you’re ruled by the sun, which means you simply can’t help but shine wherever you go! But here’s the problem: What if it’s someone else’s time to shine? Don’t let jealousy get the best of you if your human is giving a little more attention to the other pets in the house this week. You know your human adores you and there’s plenty of love to go around. If you keep invading your human’s space, it might come across as a little desperate. Have confidence in yourself! You don’t need constant reassurance that you’re a “good dog” to know you’re the best.

Check out last week's Leo dog horoscope.

Virgo Dog (August 23 - September 22)

Are you spending enough quality time with your human, Virgo? No one’s denying how easy it is to get distracted when you’re a dog. All it takes is a fly buzzing by, a neighbor knocking on the door, or the sound of kibble being poured into your bowl to totally snag your attention. But while you’re off being a distracted dog, your human is missing your company. Why not snuggle up against them when they’re not expecting it? Why not ask if you can accompany them while they run their errands? Your human may not realize just how ridiculously important they are to you, so a reminder may be in order!

Check out last week's Virgo dog horoscope.

Libra Dog (September 23 - October 22)

You’ve got so much on your plate, Libra. You’ve got a hole to dig, a cat to chase around, a nap to take, and a game of fetch to play. There are only 24 hours in a day, so learn how to spend your time wisely! I know dogs aren’t exactly known for being organized or efficient, but you can be the dog who makes a difference. Spend this week deciding what to prioritize and what not to. If you put the most important things at the top of your to-do list, you’ll not only get everything done super quickly, you’ll probably have a little extra time left! You can spend it catching up on your favorite Animal Planet documentary or rolling around in some dirt.

Check out last week's Libra dog horoscope.

Scorpio Dog (October 23 - November 21)

Ooh la la, Scorpio! You’re batting those big, beautiful puppy dog eyes all week long. Who can resist you? Just because you’ve been spayed or neutered doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy a little romance every now and then! Spruce up your doggie dating profiles, wear your most flattering sweater, and don’t be shy about flaunting what you’ve got. Your crush is bound to notice you, so you might as well look your best and flirt without inhibition. However, you might want to cool it on making things official just yet. There are so many fish in the sea and so many doggie dates to go on before you define the relationship.

Check out last week's Scorpio dog horoscope.

Sagittarius Dog (November 22 - December 21)

There’s no place like home, Sagittarius. Sure, you might be the zodiac sign of adventure and spontaneity, but you know nothing beats a warm bed, a tasty meal, and a human to cuddle. If you’ve strayed a bit too far, it’s time to work your way back to the one place in the world where you never have to bear your teeth. Believe it or not, home wouldn’t be the same without you. Remember how Dorothy never left Toto’s side for one minute while exploring the world of Oz? There’s no way Dorothy would ever have gone home without her furry best friend. Give yourself some credit for making your home the cozy, loving place it is.

Check out last week's Sagittarius dog horoscope.

Capricorn Dog (December 22 - January 19)

When you were born, you were probably part of a large litter of puppies. Over the years, you may have lost touch with all your brothers and sisters. Chances are, you were adopted into a separate home while each of your siblings went on to live their own lives. This week, you might find yourself thinking about your long lost siblings, Capricorn. Who knows? You might even run into one of them at the local dog park! Keep your eyes peeled for other dogs who look similar to you and give you a familiar feeling. You just might share the same DNA as them! Should you try a doggie DNA test? If not, don't worry, your adopted family loves you and they're just as meaningful.

Check out last week's Capricorn dog horoscope.

Aquarius Dog (January 20 - February 18)

You might be overspending this week, Aquarius. I know, I know. All those bright and shiny new collars at the pet store? To die for. All those yummy all-organic treats from the local farmer’s market? Mouth-watering. There’s nothing wrong with spending a few extra bucks on something that brings you joy, but you might be falling for some sneaky marketing techniques. Don’t be a thoughtless consumer! Make sure you’re buying something that’s really worth it. Read product reviews, think twice before forking over your canine card, and know that you don’t need to spend so much money in order to feel fabulous!

Check out last week's Aquarius dog horoscope.

Pisces Dog (February 19 - March 20)

Are you feeling yourself, Pisces? If not, you should be! After all, Venus — planet of beauty — is in Pisces, making you feel extra attractive and alluring to those around you. Feel free to get dolled up this week! Spend some time at the doggie salon getting a blow out and a paw-dicure. Make those puppy eyes pop with some shadow and liner. Strike your best pose. Your Instagram photos might get so much attention that you start making some extra cash doing sponsored posts! I bet your human would love that. But not as much as they love you! If your human is doting on you even more than usual this week, you have Venus to thank for that.

Check out last week's Pisces dog horoscope.

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