When you adopt a dog, you change their life. There's nothing better than rescuing a dog from a shelter and giving them the tools (and food) they need to live their best lives. Rescue dogs come in all shapes, breeds, and sizes — but what remains consistent is that each and every one of them deserve a warm home and a loving owner.
If you've adopted a dog or if you're considering it, take a look at these wonderful adoption before-and-after pictures that demonstrate just how much of a transformation you can make in a dog's life. Some of the before pictures can look a little intense as a warning, but know that each and every one of them has a happy ending!
Many of these here are credited to Reddit (as most of the internet is), so take a look at r/BeforeNAfterAdoption if you're looking to see more! Here are 15 before-and-after adoption of dogs that will surely melt your heart.
1. This foster dog's "2 month glow up"

"This is Gardenia! She was found with mange and secondary infections. The picture on the left is the day I rescued her from the streets. After meds, good food, and lots of love, she is now the fluff on the right! She was foster #160 for me. This is my first reddit post, but you can see all my fosters on my Instagram @caitiesfosterfam"
Credit: u/caitiesfosterfam on Reddit
2. This beautiful girl saved from the highway

"Found this beautiful girl tied up on the highway. Vet said if she wasn’t taken in she would’ve probably died that night. Took her months before she would even be in the same room with anybody and now she spends all her time with her favorite people and her four animal siblings. I love her so much."
Credit: u/Iloveruby on Reddit
3. This little guy who was nursed back to health

"Adopted this little dude while on vacation in Mexico. The litter was found in the jungle in terrible shape but were nursed back to health by the local animal rescue foundation. Here he is today healthy, happy and adapting well to his new life as a Canadian!"
Credit: u/[deleted] on Reddit
4. And the ears on this handsome fella

"When I found Fred on the side of the road he was skittish, neurotic, and sweet as could be. One month later he's still all those things, but now he's fat too. Love him more every day."
Credit: u/imitationofmyself on Reddit
5. This cutie was saved from an abusive home

"6 months after being rescued from an abusive home, meet Maverick reddit!!"
Credit: u/raynnnnn on Reddit
6. This good girl who survived all odds

"After surviving severe neglect, heartworm and mange, Waffle still has a heart of gold and loves everyone she meets. She makes us smile everyday!"
Credit: u/haleyb33 on Reddit
7. What a difference two years of love can make

"I saw him online at my local shelter. He was 5 months old and a couple of days from being euthanized. He was so miserable that he just gave up on being healthy pup and would just sit in the corner. I went to shelter, tracked him down and when I opened his cage he inched towards me and just laid is head in my hands. I was sold! It took around 6 months to get him healthy but was worth every penny and was the best decision I ever made."
Credit: u/jackrabbitseo on Reddit
8. What a difference one week of love can make

"After 4 years in the street, Annie found her home with my parents. First day vs 1 week later"
Credit: u/Echo_hello_world on Reddit
9. This gorgeous guy is all smiles

"This is my Koda Bear the day before he got adopted and a few months after! He’s had two previous owners who both claimed he was too much to handle. For me, he’s just a big goofball who loves to sleep and cuddle :)"
Credit: u/mwisni on Reddit
10. From starving and stranded to sleek and sophisticated

"From eating paper in the middle of an intersection to the most handsome dog i've ever met: meet pierce. He was covered in dog bites and had sores all over him, so the vet suspected that he had been chained up outside on concrete before he was either dumped or somehow escaped. When I got him home and gave him a bath, he was COVERED in blood, dirt, and fleas. He tested positive for heart worms, but now two years later he is completely healthy (and balls free!) :)"
Credit: u/furrybullocks on Reddit
11. This baby with eyes that could light up a room

"No one wanted to adopt him because of his cropped ears and 'scary' looking face. He had stopped eating at the pound and was severely underweight. Now Bronco is healthy, always smiling, and loved by everyone he meets."
Credit: u/briscoleg on Reddit
12. This stunning, smiley transformation

"Rescued a skeleton and ended up with this sweet girl who is always smiling."
Credit: u/62smith52 on Reddit
13. From timid girl to tongue-wagging lady

"Metalle was found abandoned in a park 3 years ago. I adopted her after I got a call from the local shelter. Left: her first day with me, a bit terrified. Right: happy pupper! We take long walks around the town every day. She’s the most affectionate dog I’ve ever met/had. Very lucky to have her!"
Credit: u/metalle on Reddit
14. The difference one day can make

"Doggo has a big smile"
Credit: u/OrdinaryPersona on Reddit
15. And finally, this beautiful dog's amazing recovery

"The before picture is from when she was picked up by a small rescue organization in Oklahoma. She had made a home for herself in a drainage ditch near an apartment complex. There was talk of just putting her out of her misery with a bullet, but luckily, she was rescued in time. When I found her on a pet adoption website and made the trip to adopt her, she was months into recovery. Now, almost two years after bringing her home, she's the happiest dog in the world and runs toward anyone to get pets and love. I'll stop here because I could write a novel on this girl. She's pretty amazing."
Credit: u/mugglequeen on Reddit